
Utility functions.

The phasorpy.utils module provides auxiliary and convenience functions that do not naturally fit into other modules.

phasorpy.utils.number_threads(num_threads=None, max_threads=None, /)[source]#

Return number of threads for parallel computations on CPU cores.

This function is used to parse num_threads parameters.

  • num_threads (int, optional) – Number of threads to use for parallel computations on CPU cores. If None (default), return 1, disabling multi-threading. If greater than zero, return value up to max_threads if set. If zero, return the value of the PHASORPY_NUM_THREADS environment variable if set, else half the CPU cores up to max_threads or 32.

  • max_threads (int, optional) – Maximum number of threads to return.


>>> number_threads()
>>> number_threads(0)