Source code for phasorpy.utils

"""Utility functions.

The ``phasorpy.utils`` module provides auxiliary and convenience functions
that do not naturally fit into other modules.


from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ['number_threads']

import os

[docs] def number_threads( num_threads: int | None = None, max_threads: int | None = None, /, ) -> int: """Return number of threads for parallel computations on CPU cores. This function is used to parse ``num_threads`` parameters. Parameters ---------- num_threads : int, optional Number of threads to use for parallel computations on CPU cores. If None (default), return 1, disabling multi-threading. If greater than zero, return value up to `max_threads` if set. If zero, return the value of the ``PHASORPY_NUM_THREADS`` environment variable if set, else half the CPU cores up to `max_threads` or 32. max_threads : int, optional Maximum number of threads to return. Examples -------- >>> number_threads() 1 >>> number_threads(0) # doctest: +SKIP 8 """ if num_threads is None or num_threads < 0: # disable multi-threading by default return 1 if num_threads == 0: # return default number of threads if max_threads is None: max_threads = 32 else: max_threads = max(max_threads, 1) if 'PHASORPY_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ: return min( max_threads, max(1, int(os.environ['PHASORPY_NUM_THREADS'])) ) cpu_count: int | None if hasattr(os, 'sched_getaffinity'): cpu_count = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) else: # sched_getaffinity not available on Windows cpu_count = os.cpu_count() if cpu_count is None: return 1 return min(max_threads, max(1, cpu_count // 2)) # return num_threads up to max_threads if max_threads is None: return num_threads return min(num_threads, max(max_threads, 1))