Benchmark phasor_from_signal#

Benchmark the phasor_from_signal function.

The phasorpy.phasor.phasor_from_signal() function to calculate phasor coordinates from time-resolved or spectral signals can operate in two modes:

  • using an internal Cython function optimized for calculating a small number of harmonics, optionally using multiple threads.

  • using a real forward Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), numpy.fft.rfft or a drop-in replacement function like scipy.fft.rfft or mkl_fft._numpy_fft.rfft.

This tutorial compares the performance of the two modes.

Import required modules and functions:

from timeit import timeit

import numpy
from numpy.fft import rfft as numpy_fft  # noqa

from phasorpy.phasor import phasor_from_signal  # noqa
from phasorpy.utils import number_threads

    from scipy.fft import rfft as scipy_fft
except ImportError:
    scipy_fft = None

    from mkl_fft._numpy_fft import rfft as mkl_fft
except ImportError:
    mkl_fft = None

Run benchmark#

Create a random signal with a size and dtype similar to real world data:

signal = numpy.random.default_rng(1).random((384, 384, 384))
signal += 1.1
signal *= 3723  # ~12 bit
signal = signal.astype(numpy.uint16)  # 108 MB
signal[signal < 0.05] = 0.0  # 5% no signal

Print execution times depending on FFT function, axis, number of harmonics, and number of threads:

statement = """
phasor_from_signal(signal, axis=axis, harmonic=harmonic, **kwargs)
number = 1  # how many times to execute statement
ref = None  # reference duration

def print_(descr, t):
    print(f'    {descr:20s}{t / number:>6.3f}s {t / ref:>6.2f}')

for harmonic in ([1], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]):
    print(f'harmonics {len(harmonic)}')
    for axis in (-1, 0, 2):
        print(f'  axis {axis}')
        kwargs = {'use_fft': False, 'num_threads': 1}
        t = timeit(statement, number=number, globals=globals())
        if ref is None:
            ref = t
        print_('not_fft', t)

        num_threads = number_threads(0, 6)
        if num_threads > 1:
            kwargs = {'use_fft': False, 'num_threads': num_threads}
            t = timeit(statement, number=number, globals=globals())
            print_(f'not_fft ({num_threads} threads)', t)

        for fft_name in ('numpy_fft', 'scipy_fft', 'mkl_fft'):
            fft_func = globals()[fft_name]
            if fft_func is None:
            kwargs = {'use_fft': True, 'rfft': fft_func}
            t = timeit(statement, number=number, globals=globals())
            print_(f'{fft_name}', t)
harmonics 1
  axis -1
    not_fft              0.056s   1.00
    not_fft (2 threads)  0.029s   0.52
    numpy_fft            0.220s   3.93
    scipy_fft            0.236s   4.21
  axis 0
    not_fft              0.179s   3.20
    not_fft (2 threads)  0.089s   1.59
    numpy_fft            0.476s   8.49
    scipy_fft            0.351s   6.27
  axis 2
    not_fft              0.056s   1.00
    not_fft (2 threads)  0.029s   0.51
    numpy_fft            0.218s   3.89
    scipy_fft            0.234s   4.17
harmonics 8
  axis -1
    not_fft              0.446s   7.96
    not_fft (2 threads)  0.229s   4.08
    numpy_fft            0.232s   4.15
    scipy_fft            0.245s   4.37
  axis 0
    not_fft              1.424s  25.42
    not_fft (2 threads)  0.758s  13.53
    numpy_fft            0.482s   8.60
    scipy_fft            0.355s   6.34
  axis 2
    not_fft              0.445s   7.93
    not_fft (2 threads)  0.229s   4.09
    numpy_fft            0.234s   4.17
    scipy_fft            0.257s   4.58

For reference, the results on a Core i7-14700K CPU, Windows 11:

harmonics 1
  axis -1
    not_fft              0.036s   1.00
    not_fft (6 threads)  0.008s   0.21
    numpy_fft            0.285s   7.89
    scipy_fft            0.247s   6.84
    mkl_fft              0.124s   3.43
  axis 0
    not_fft              0.156s   4.32
    not_fft (6 threads)  0.041s   1.14
    numpy_fft            0.743s  20.60
    scipy_fft            0.583s  16.16
    mkl_fft              0.182s   5.03
  axis 2
    not_fft              0.037s   1.02
    not_fft (6 threads)  0.009s   0.25
    numpy_fft            0.282s   7.81
    scipy_fft            0.244s   6.78
    mkl_fft              0.125s   3.47
harmonics 8
  axis -1
    not_fft              0.275s   7.62
    not_fft (6 threads)  0.041s   1.13
    numpy_fft            0.295s   8.18
    scipy_fft            0.267s   7.39
    mkl_fft              0.145s   4.02
  axis 0
    not_fft              1.250s  34.66
    not_fft (6 threads)  0.325s   9.01
    numpy_fft            0.732s  20.28
    scipy_fft            0.546s  15.13
    mkl_fft              0.168s   4.67
  axis 2
    not_fft              0.278s   7.72
    not_fft (6 threads)  0.040s   1.11
    numpy_fft            0.298s   8.25
    scipy_fft            0.270s   7.48
    mkl_fft              0.143s   3.98


  • Using the Cython implementation is significantly faster than using the numpy.fft based implementation for single harmonics.

  • Using multiple threads can significantly speed up the Cython mode.

  • The FFT functions from scipy and mkl_fft outperform numpy.fft. Specifically, mkl_fft is very performant.

  • Using FFT becomes more competitive when calculating larger number of harmonics.

  • Computing over the last axis is significantly faster compared to the first axis. That is because the samples in the last dimension are contiguous, closer together in memory.

Note that these results were obtained on a single dataset of random numbers.


Using the Cython implementation is a reasonable default when calculating a few harmonics. Using FFT is a better choice when computing large number of harmonics, especially with an optimized FFT function.

# mypy: allow-untyped-defs, allow-untyped-calls
# mypy: disable-error-code="arg-type"

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 8.001 seconds)

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