This module and its functions are not part of the public interface. They are intended to facilitate the development of the PhasorPy library.
Cython implementation of low-level functions for the PhasorPy library.
- phasorpy._phasorpy._flimlabs_mean(mean, data, channel=-1)#
Return mean intensity image from FLIM LABS JSON intensity data.
- phasorpy._phasorpy._flimlabs_signal(signal, data, channel=-1)#
Return TCSPC histogram image from FLIM LABS JSON intensity data.
- phasorpy._phasorpy._gaussian_signal(signal, mean, stdev)#
Return normal distribution, wrapped around at borders.
- Parameters:
signal (memoryview of float32 or float64) – Writable buffer where calculated signal samples are stored.
mean (float) – Mean of normal distribution.
stdev (float) – Standard deviation of normal distribution.
- phasorpy._phasorpy._median_filter_2d(image, filtered_image, kernel_size, repeat=1, num_threads=1)#
Apply 2D median filter ignoring NaN.
- phasorpy._phasorpy._phasor_from_lifetime(phasor, frequency, lifetime, fraction, unit_conversion, preexponential)#
Calculate phasor coordinates from lifetime components.
- Parameters:
phasor (3D memoryview of float32 or float64) –
Writable buffer of three dimensions where calculated phasor coordinates are stored:
real and imaginary components
lifetimes or fractions
frequency (2D memoryview of float64) – One-dimensional sequence of laser-pulse or modulation frequencies.
lifetime (2D memoryview of float64) –
Buffer of two dimensions:
components of lifetimes
fraction (2D memoryview of float64) –
Buffer of two dimensions:
fractions of lifetime components
unit_conversion (float) – Product of frequency and lifetime units’ prefix factors. 1e-3 for MHz and ns. 1.0 for Hz and s.
preexponential (bool) – If true, fractions are pre-exponential amplitudes, else fractional intensities.
- phasorpy._phasorpy._phasor_from_signal(phasor, signal, sincos, normalize, num_threads)#
Return phasor coordinates from signal along middle axis.
- Parameters:
phasor (3D memoryview of float32 or float64) –
Writable buffer of three dimensions where calculated phasor coordinates are stored:
mean, real, and imaginary components
lower dimensions flat
upper dimensions flat
signal (3D memoryview of float32 or float64) –
Buffer of three dimensions containing signal:
lower dimensions flat
dimension over which to compute FFT, number samples
upper dimensions flat
sincos (3D memoryview of float64) –
Buffer of three dimensions containing sine and cosine terms to be multiplied with signal:
number harmonics
number samples
cos and sin
normalize (bool) – Normalize phasor coordinates.
num_threads (int) – Number of OpenMP threads to use for parallelization.
This implementation requires contiguous input arrays.
- phasorpy._phasorpy._phasor_from_signal_vector(phasor, signal, sincos, num_threads)#
Calculate phasor coordinate vectors from signal along last axis.
- Parameters:
phasor (2D memoryview of float32 or float64) –
Writable buffer of two dimensions where calculated phasor vectors are stored:
other dimensions flat
real and imaginary components
signal (2D memoryview of float32 or float64) –
Buffer of two dimensions containing signal:
other dimensions flat
dimension over which to compute FFT, number samples
sincos (3D memoryview of float64) –
Buffer of three dimensions containing sine and cosine terms to be multiplied with signal:
number harmonics
number samples
cos and sin
num_threads (int) – Number of OpenMP threads to use for parallelization.
This implementation requires contiguous input arrays.
- phasorpy._phasorpy._signal_denoise_vector(denoised, integrated, signal, spectral_vector, sigma, vmin, num_threads)#
Calculate denoised signal from spectral_vector.