Source code for phasorpy.utils

"""Utility functions.

The ``phasorpy.utils`` module provides auxiliary and convenience functions
that do not naturally fit into other modules.


from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

import math
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from ._typing import Any, NDArray, ArrayLike, DTypeLike, Literal, Sequence

import numpy

from ._phasorpy import (
from ._utils import parse_harmonic

[docs] def spectral_vector_denoise( signal: ArrayLike, /, spectral_vector: ArrayLike | None = None, *, axis: int = -1, harmonic: int | Sequence[int] | Literal['all'] | str | None = None, sigma: float = 0.05, vmin: float | None = None, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None, num_threads: int | None = None, ) -> NDArray[Any]: """Return spectral-vector-denoised signal. The spectral vector denoising algorithm is based on a Gaussian weighted average calculation, with weights obtained in n-dimensional Chebyshev or Fourier space [4]_. Parameters ---------- signal : array_like Hyperspectral data to be denoised. A minimum of three samples are required along `axis`. The samples must be uniformly spaced. spectral_vector : array_like, optional Spectral vector. For example, phasor coordinates, PCA projected phasor coordinates, or Chebyshev coefficients. Must be of same shape as `signal` with `axis` removed and axis containing spectral space appended. If None (default), phasor coordinates are calculated at specified `harmonic`. axis : int, optional, default: -1 Axis over which `spectral_vector` is computed if not provided. The default is the last axis (-1). harmonic : int, sequence of int, or 'all', optional Harmonics to include in calculating `spectral_vector`. If `'all'`, include all harmonics for `signal` samples along `axis`. Else, harmonics must be at least one and no larger than half the number of `signal` samples along `axis`. The default is the first harmonic (fundamental frequency). A minimum of `harmonic * 2 + 1` samples are required along `axis` to calculate correct phasor coordinates at `harmonic`. sigma : float, default: 0.05 Width of Gaussian filter in spectral vector space. Weighted averages are calculated using the spectra of signal items within an spectral vector Euclidean distance of `3 * sigma` and intensity above `vmin`. vmin : float, optional Signal intensity along `axis` below which not to include in denoising. dtype : dtype_like, optional Data type of output arrays. Either float32 or float64. The default is float64 unless the `signal` is float32. num_threads : int, optional Number of OpenMP threads to use for parallelization. By default, multi-threading is disabled. If zero, up to half of logical CPUs are used. OpenMP may not be available on all platforms. Returns ------- ndarray Denoised signal of `dtype`. Spectra with integrated intensity below `vmin` are unchanged. References ---------- .. [4] Harman RC, Lang RT, Kercher EM, Leven P, and Spring BQ. `Denoising multiplexed microscopy images in n-dimensional spectral space <>`_. *Biomed Opt Express*, 13(8): 4298-4309 (2022) Examples -------- Denoise a hyperspectral image with a Gaussian filter width of 0.1 in spectral vector space using first and second harmonic: >>> signal = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, (8, 16, 16)) >>> spectral_vector_denoise(signal, axis=0, sigma=0.1, harmonic=[1, 2]) array([[[...]]]) """ num_threads = number_threads(num_threads) signal = numpy.asarray(signal) if axis == -1 or axis == signal.ndim - 1: axis = -1 else: signal = numpy.moveaxis(signal, axis, -1) shape = signal.shape samples = shape[-1] if harmonic is None: harmonic = 1 harmonic, _ = parse_harmonic(harmonic, samples // 2) num_harmonics = len(harmonic) if vmin is None or vmin < 0.0: vmin = 0.0 sincos = numpy.empty((num_harmonics, samples, 2)) for i, h in enumerate(harmonic): phase = numpy.linspace( 0, h * math.pi * 2.0, samples, endpoint=False, dtype=numpy.float64, ) sincos[i, :, 0] = numpy.cos(phase) sincos[i, :, 1] = numpy.sin(phase) signal = numpy.ascontiguousarray(signal).reshape(-1, samples) size = signal.shape[0] if dtype is None: if signal.dtype.char == 'f': dtype = signal.dtype else: dtype = numpy.float64 dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) if dtype.char not in {'d', 'f'}: raise ValueError('dtype is not floating point') if spectral_vector is None: spectral_vector = numpy.zeros((size, num_harmonics * 2), dtype=dtype) _phasor_from_signal_vector( spectral_vector, signal, sincos, num_threads ) else: spectral_vector = numpy.ascontiguousarray(spectral_vector, dtype=dtype) if spectral_vector.shape[:-1] != shape[:-1]: raise ValueError('signal and spectral_vector shape mismatch') spectral_vector = spectral_vector.reshape( -1, spectral_vector.shape[-1] ) if dtype == signal.dtype: denoised = signal.copy() else: denoised = numpy.zeros(signal.shape, dtype=dtype) denoised[:] = signal integrated = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=dtype) _signal_denoise_vector( denoised, integrated, signal, spectral_vector, sigma, vmin, num_threads ) denoised = denoised.reshape(shape) if axis != -1: denoised = numpy.moveaxis(denoised, -1, axis) return denoised
[docs] def anscombe_transformation( data: ArrayLike, /, **kwargs: Any, ) -> NDArray[Any]: r"""Return Anscombe variance-stabilizing transformation. The Anscombe transformation normalizes the standard deviation of noisy, Poisson-distributed data. It can be used to transform un-normalized phasor coordinates to approximate standard Gaussian distributions. Parameters ---------- data : array_like Noisy Poisson-distributed data to be transformed. **kwargs Optional `arguments passed to numpy universal functions <>`_. Returns ------- ndarray Anscombe-transformed data with variance of approximately 1. Notes ----- The Anscombe transformation according to [1]_: .. math:: z = 2 \cdot \sqrt{x + 3 / 8} References ---------- .. [1] Anscombe FJ. `The transformation of Poisson, binomial and negative-binomial data <>`_. *Biometrika*, 35(3-4): 246-254 (1948) Examples -------- >>> z = anscombe_transformation(numpy.random.poisson(10, 10000)) >>> numpy.allclose(numpy.std(z), 1.0, atol=0.1) True """ return _anscombe(data, **kwargs) # type: ignore[no-any-return]
[docs] def anscombe_transformation_inverse( data: ArrayLike, /, *, approx: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> NDArray[Any]: r"""Return inverse Anscombe transformation. Parameters ---------- data : array_like Anscombe-transformed data. approx : bool, default: False If true, return approximation of exact unbiased inverse. **kwargs Optional `arguments passed to numpy universal functions <>`_. Returns ------- ndarray Inverse Anscombe-transformed data. Notes ----- The inverse Anscombe transformation according to [1]_: .. math:: x = (z / 2.0)^2 - 3 / 8 The approximate inverse Anscombe transformation according to [2]_ and [3]_: .. math:: x = 1/4 \cdot z^2{2} + 1/4 \cdot \sqrt{3/2} \cdot z^{-1} - 11/8 \cdot z^{-2} + 5/8 \cdot \sqrt(3/2) \cdot z^{-3} - 1/8 References ---------- .. [2] Makitalo M, and Foi A. `A closed-form approximation of the exact unbiased inverse of the Anscombe variance-stabilizing transformation <>`_. *IEEE Trans Image Process*, 20(9): 2697-8 (2011). .. [3] Makitalo M, and Foi A `Optimal inversion of the generalized Anscombe transformation for Poisson-Gaussian noise <>`_, *IEEE Trans Image Process*, 22(1): 91-103 (2013) Examples -------- >>> x = numpy.random.poisson(10, 100) >>> x2 = anscombe_transformation_inverse(anscombe_transformation(x)) >>> numpy.allclose(x, x2, atol=1e-3) True """ if approx: return _anscombe_inverse_approx( # type: ignore[no-any-return] data, **kwargs ) return _anscombe_inverse(data, **kwargs) # type: ignore[no-any-return]
[docs] def number_threads( num_threads: int | None = None, max_threads: int | None = None, /, ) -> int: """Return number of threads for parallel computations across CPU cores. This function is used to parse ``num_threads`` parameters. Parameters ---------- num_threads : int, optional Number of threads to use for parallel computations on CPU cores. If None (default), return 1, disabling multi-threading. If greater than zero, return value up to `max_threads` if set. If zero, return the value of the ``PHASORPY_NUM_THREADS`` environment variable if set, else half the CPU cores up to `max_threads` or 32. max_threads : int, optional Maximum number of threads to return. Returns ------- int Number of threads for parallel computations. Examples -------- >>> number_threads() 1 >>> number_threads(0) # doctest: +SKIP 8 """ if num_threads is None or num_threads < 0: # disable multi-threading by default return 1 if num_threads == 0: # return default number of threads if max_threads is None: max_threads = 32 else: max_threads = max(max_threads, 1) if 'PHASORPY_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ: return min( max_threads, max(1, int(os.environ['PHASORPY_NUM_THREADS'])) ) cpu_count: int | None if hasattr(os, 'sched_getaffinity'): cpu_count = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) else: # sched_getaffinity not available on Windows cpu_count = os.cpu_count() if cpu_count is None: return 1 return min(max_threads, max(1, cpu_count // 2)) # return num_threads up to max_threads if max_threads is None: return num_threads return min(num_threads, max(max_threads, 1))