Source code for phasorpy.plot

"""Plot phasor coordinates and related data.

The ``phasorpy.plot`` module provides functions and classes to visualize
phasor coordinates and related data using the
`matplotlib <>`_ library.


from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

import math
import os
import warnings
from import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from ._typing import Any, ArrayLike, NDArray, Literal, IO

    from matplotlib.axes import Axes
    from matplotlib.image import AxesImage
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure

import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.patches import Arc, Circle, Ellipse, Polygon
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.patheffects import AbstractPathEffect
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider

from ._phasorpy import _intersection_circle_circle, _intersection_circle_line
from ._utils import (
from .phasor import (

GRID_COLOR = '0.5'

[docs] class PhasorPlot: """Phasor plot. Create publication quality visualizations of phasor coordinates. Parameters ---------- allquadrants : bool, optional Show all quadrants of phasor space. By default, only the first quadrant with universal semicircle is shown. ax : matplotlib axes, optional Matplotlib axes used for plotting. By default, a new subplot axes is created. frequency : float, optional Laser pulse or modulation frequency in MHz. grid : bool, optional, default: True Display polar grid or universal semicircle. **kwargs Additional properties to set on `ax`. See Also -------- phasorpy.plot.plot_phasor :ref:`` """ _ax: Axes """Matplotlib axes.""" _limits: tuple[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]] """Axes limits (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax).""" _full: bool """Show all quadrants of phasor space.""" _semicircle_ticks: SemicircleTicks | None """Last SemicircleTicks instance created.""" _frequency: float """Laser pulse or modulation frequency in MHz.""" def __init__( self, /, allquadrants: bool | None = None, ax: Axes | None = None, *, frequency: float | None = None, grid: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: # initialize empty phasor plot self._ax = pyplot.subplots()[1] if ax is None else ax self._ax.format_coord = ( # type: ignore[method-assign] self._on_format_coord ) self._semicircle_ticks = None self._full = bool(allquadrants) if self._full: xlim = (-1.05, 1.05) ylim = (-1.05, 1.05) xticks: tuple[float, ...] = (-1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) yticks: tuple[float, ...] = (-1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) if grid: self.polar_grid() else: xlim = (-0.05, 1.05) ylim = (-0.05, 0.7) xticks = (0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0) yticks = (0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) if grid: self.semicircle(frequency=frequency) title = 'Phasor plot' if frequency is not None: self._frequency = float(frequency) title += f' ({frequency:g} MHz)' else: self._frequency = 0.0 update_kwargs( kwargs, title=title, xlabel='G, real', ylabel='S, imag', aspect='equal', xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xticks=xticks, yticks=yticks, ) self._limits = (kwargs['xlim'], kwargs['ylim']) self._ax.set(**kwargs) @property def ax(self) -> Axes: """Matplotlib :py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`.""" return self._ax @property def fig(self) -> Figure | None: """Matplotlib :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`.""" try: # matplotlib >= 3.10.0 return self._ax.get_figure(root=True) except TypeError: return self._ax.get_figure() # type: ignore[return-value] @property def dataunit_to_point(self) -> float: """Factor to convert data to point unit.""" fig = self.fig assert fig is not None length = fig.bbox_inches.height * self._ax.get_position().height * 72.0 vrange: float = numpy.diff(self._ax.get_ylim()).item() return length / vrange
[docs] def show(self) -> None: """Display all open figures. Call :py:func:``.""" #
[docs] def save( self, file: str | os.PathLike[Any] | IO[bytes] | None, /, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Save current figure to file. Parameters ---------- file : str, path-like, or binary file-like Path or Python file-like object to write the current figure to. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to :py:func:`matplotlib:pyplot.savefig`. """ pyplot.savefig(file, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot( self, real: ArrayLike, imag: ArrayLike, /, fmt: str = 'o', *, label: Sequence[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> list[Line2D]: """Plot imaginary versus real coordinates as markers or lines. Parameters ---------- real : array_like Real component of phasor coordinates. Must be one or two dimensional. imag : array_like Imaginary component of phasor coordinates. Must be of same shape as `real`. fmt : str, optional, default: 'o' Matplotlib style format string. label : sequence of str, optional Plot label. May be a sequence if phasor coordinates are two dimensional arrays. **kwargs Additional parameters passed to :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. Returns ------- list[matplotlib.lines.Line2D] Lines representing data plotted last. """ lines = [] if fmt == 'o': if 'marker' in kwargs: fmt = '' if 'linestyle' not in kwargs and 'ls' not in kwargs: kwargs['linestyle'] = '' args = (fmt,) if fmt else () ax = self._ax if label is not None and ( isinstance(label, str) or not isinstance(label, Sequence) ): label = (label,) for ( i, (re, im), ) in enumerate( zip( numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.asarray(real)), numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.asarray(imag)), ) ): lbl = None if label is not None: try: lbl = label[i] except IndexError: pass lines = ax.plot(re, im, *args, label=lbl, **kwargs) if label is not None: ax.legend() self._reset_limits() return lines
def _histogram2d( self, real: ArrayLike, imag: ArrayLike, /, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], NDArray[Any], NDArray[Any]]: """Return two-dimensional histogram of imag versus real coordinates.""" update_kwargs(kwargs, range=self._limits) (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax) = kwargs['range'] assert xmax > xmin and ymax > ymin bins = kwargs.get('bins', 128) if isinstance(bins, int): assert bins > 0 aspect = (xmax - xmin) / (ymax - ymin) if aspect > 1: bins = (bins, max(int(bins / aspect), 1)) else: bins = (max(int(bins * aspect), 1), bins) kwargs['bins'] = bins return numpy.histogram2d( numpy.asanyarray(real).reshape(-1), numpy.asanyarray(imag).reshape(-1), **kwargs, ) def _reset_limits(self) -> None: """Reset axes limits.""" try: self._ax.set(xlim=self._limits[0], ylim=self._limits[1]) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def hist2d( self, real: ArrayLike, imag: ArrayLike, /, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot two-dimensional histogram of imag versus real coordinates. Parameters ---------- real : array_like Real component of phasor coordinates. imag : array_like Imaginary component of phasor coordinates. Must be of same shape as `real`. **kwargs Additional parameters passed to :py:meth:`numpy.histogram2d` and :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh`. """ kwargs_hist2d = parse_kwargs( kwargs, 'bins', 'range', 'density', 'weights' ) h, xedges, yedges = self._histogram2d(real, imag, **kwargs_hist2d) update_kwargs(kwargs, cmap='Blues', norm='log') cmin = kwargs.pop('cmin', 1) cmax = kwargs.pop('cmax', None) if cmin is not None: h[h < cmin] = None if cmax is not None: h[h > cmax] = None self._ax.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, h.T, **kwargs) self._reset_limits()
[docs] def contour( self, real: ArrayLike, imag: ArrayLike, /, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot contours of imag versus real coordinates (not implemented). Parameters ---------- real : array_like Real component of phasor coordinates. imag : array_like Imaginary component of phasor coordinates. Must be of same shape as `real`. **kwargs Additional parameters passed to :py:func:`numpy.histogram2d` and :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour`. """ update_kwargs(kwargs, cmap='Blues', norm='log') kwargs_hist2d = parse_kwargs( kwargs, 'bins', 'range', 'density', 'weights' ) h, xedges, yedges = self._histogram2d(real, imag, **kwargs_hist2d) xedges = xedges[:-1] + ((xedges[1] - xedges[0]) / 2.0) yedges = yedges[:-1] + ((yedges[1] - yedges[0]) / 2.0) self._ax.contour(xedges, yedges, h.T, **kwargs) self._reset_limits()
[docs] def imshow( self, image: ArrayLike, /, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot an image, for example, a 2D histogram (not implemented). Parameters ---------- image : array_like Image to display. **kwargs Additional parameters passed to :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def components( self, real: ArrayLike, imag: ArrayLike, /, fraction: ArrayLike | None = None, labels: Sequence[str] | None = None, label_offset: float | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot linear combinations of phasor coordinates or ranges thereof. Parameters ---------- real : (N,) array_like Real component of phasor coordinates. imag : (N,) array_like Imaginary component of phasor coordinates. fraction : (N,) array_like, optional Weight associated with each component. If None (default), outline the polygon area of possible linear combinations of components. Else, draw lines from the component coordinates to the weighted average. labels : Sequence of str, optional Text label for each component. label_offset : float, optional Distance of text label to component coordinate. **kwargs Additional parameters passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.patches.Polygon`, :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`, or :py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.annotate` """ # TODO: use convex hull for outline # TODO: improve automatic placement of labels # TODO: catch more annotate properties? real, imag, indices = sort_coordinates(real, imag) label_ = kwargs.pop('label', None) marker = kwargs.pop('marker', None) color = kwargs.pop('color', None) fontsize = kwargs.pop('fontsize', 12) fontweight = kwargs.pop('fontweight', 'bold') horizontalalignment = kwargs.pop('horizontalalignment', 'center') verticalalignment = kwargs.pop('verticalalignment', 'center') if label_offset is None: label_offset = numpy.diff(self._ax.get_xlim()).item() * 0.04 if labels is not None: if len(labels) != real.size: raise ValueError( f'number labels={len(labels)} != components={real.size}' ) labels = [labels[i] for i in indices] textposition = dilate_coordinates(real, imag, label_offset) for label, re, im, x, y in zip(labels, real, imag, *textposition): if not label: continue self._ax.annotate( label, (re, im), xytext=(x, y), color=color, fontsize=fontsize, fontweight=fontweight, horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, verticalalignment=verticalalignment, ) if fraction is None: update_kwargs( kwargs, edgecolor=GRID_COLOR if color is None else color, linestyle=GRID_LINESTYLE, linewidth=GRID_LINEWIDH, fill=GRID_FILL, ) self._ax.add_patch(Polygon(numpy.vstack((real, imag)).T, **kwargs)) if marker is not None: self._ax.plot( real, imag, marker=marker, linestyle='', color=color, label=label_, ) if label_ is not None: self._ax.legend() return fraction = numpy.asarray(fraction)[indices] update_kwargs( kwargs, color=GRID_COLOR if color is None else color, linestyle=GRID_LINESTYLE, linewidth=GRID_LINEWIDH, ) center_re, center_im = numpy.average( numpy.vstack((real, imag)), axis=-1, weights=fraction ) for re, im in zip(real, imag): self._ax.add_line( Line2D([center_re, re], [center_im, im], **kwargs) ) if marker is not None: self._ax.plot(real, imag, marker=marker, linestyle='', color=color) self._ax.plot( center_re, center_im, marker=marker, linestyle='', color=color, label=label_, ) if label_ is not None: self._ax.legend()
[docs] def line( self, real: ArrayLike, imag: ArrayLike, /, **kwargs: Any, ) -> list[Line2D]: """Draw grid line. Parameters ---------- real : array_like, shape (n, ) Real components of line start and end coordinates. imag : array_like, shape (n, ) Imaginary components of line start and end coordinates. **kwargs Additional parameters passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`. Returns ------- list[matplotlib.lines.Line2D] List containing plotted line. """ update_kwargs( kwargs, color=GRID_COLOR, linestyle=GRID_LINESTYLE, linewidth=GRID_LINEWIDH, ) return [self._ax.add_line(Line2D(real, imag, **kwargs))]
[docs] def circle( self, real: float, imag: float, /, radius: float, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Draw grid circle of radius around center. Parameters ---------- real : float Real component of circle center coordinate. imag : float Imaginary component of circle center coordinate. radius : float Circle radius. **kwargs Additional parameters passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.patches.Circle`. """ update_kwargs( kwargs, color=GRID_COLOR, linestyle=GRID_LINESTYLE, linewidth=GRID_LINEWIDH, fill=GRID_FILL, ) self._ax.add_patch(Circle((real, imag), radius, **kwargs))
[docs] def cursor( self, real: float, imag: float, /, real_limit: float | None = None, imag_limit: float | None = None, radius: float | None = None, radius_minor: float | None = None, angle: float | None = None, align_semicircle: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot phase and modulation grid lines and arcs at phasor coordinates. Parameters ---------- real : float Real component of phasor coordinate. imag : float Imaginary component of phasor coordinate. real_limit : float, optional Real component of limiting phasor coordinate. imag_limit : float, optional Imaginary component of limiting phasor coordinate. radius : float, optional Radius of circle limiting phase and modulation grid lines and arcs. radius_minor : float, optional Radius of elliptic cursor along semi-minor axis. By default, `radius_minor` is equal to `radius`, that is, the ellipse is circular. angle : float, optional Rotation angle of semi-major axis of elliptic cursor in radians. If None (default), orient ellipse cursor according to `align_semicircle`. align_semicircle : bool, optional Determines elliptic cursor orientation if `angle` is not provided. If true, align the minor axis of the ellipse with the closest tangent on the universal semicircle, else align to the unit circle. **kwargs Additional parameters passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`, :py:class:`matplotlib.patches.Circle`, :py:class:`matplotlib.patches.Ellipse`, or :py:class:`matplotlib.patches.Arc`. See Also -------- phasorpy.plot.PhasorPlot.polar_cursor """ if real_limit is not None and imag_limit is not None: return self.polar_cursor( *phasor_to_polar_scalar(real, imag), *phasor_to_polar_scalar(real_limit, imag_limit), radius=radius, radius_minor=radius_minor, angle=angle, align_semicircle=align_semicircle, **kwargs, ) return self.polar_cursor( *phasor_to_polar_scalar(real, imag), radius=radius, radius_minor=radius_minor, angle=angle, align_semicircle=align_semicircle, # _circle_only=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] def polar_cursor( self, phase: float | None = None, modulation: float | None = None, phase_limit: float | None = None, modulation_limit: float | None = None, radius: float | None = None, radius_minor: float | None = None, angle: float | None = None, align_semicircle: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot phase and modulation grid lines and arcs. Parameters ---------- phase : float, optional Angular component of polar coordinate in radians. modulation : float, optional Radial component of polar coordinate. phase_limit : float, optional Angular component of limiting polar coordinate (in radians). Modulation grid arcs are drawn between `phase` and `phase_limit`. modulation_limit : float, optional Radial component of limiting polar coordinate. Phase grid lines are drawn from `modulation` to `modulation_limit`. radius : float, optional Radius of circle limiting phase and modulation grid lines and arcs. radius_minor : float, optional Radius of elliptic cursor along semi-minor axis. By default, `radius_minor` is equal to `radius`, that is, the ellipse is circular. angle : float, optional Rotation angle of semi-major axis of elliptic cursor in radians. If None (default), orient ellipse cursor according to `align_semicircle`. align_semicircle : bool, optional Determines elliptic cursor orientation if `angle` is not provided. If true, align the minor axis of the ellipse with the closest tangent on the universal semicircle, else align to the unit circle. **kwargs Additional parameters passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`, :py:class:`matplotlib.patches.Circle`, :py:class:`matplotlib.patches.Ellipse`, or :py:class:`matplotlib.patches.Arc`. See Also -------- phasorpy.plot.PhasorPlot.cursor """ update_kwargs( kwargs, color=GRID_COLOR, linestyle=GRID_LINESTYLE, linewidth=GRID_LINEWIDH, fill=GRID_FILL, ) _circle_only = kwargs.pop('_circle_only', False) ax = self._ax if radius is not None and phase is not None and modulation is not None: x = modulation * math.cos(phase) y = modulation * math.sin(phase) if radius_minor is not None and radius_minor != radius: if angle is None: if align_semicircle: angle = math.atan2(y, x - 0.5) else: angle = phase angle = math.degrees(angle) ax.add_patch( Ellipse( (x, y), radius * 2, radius_minor * 2, angle=angle, **kwargs, ) ) # TODO: implement gridlines intersecting with ellipse return None ax.add_patch(Circle((x, y), radius, **kwargs)) if _circle_only: return None del kwargs['fill'] x0, y0, x1, y1 = _intersection_circle_line( x, y, radius, 0, 0, x, y ) ax.add_line(Line2D((x0, x1), (y0, y1), **kwargs)) x0, y0, x1, y1 = _intersection_circle_circle( 0, 0, modulation, x, y, radius ) ax.add_patch( Arc( (0, 0), modulation * 2, modulation * 2, theta1=math.degrees(math.atan2(y0, x0)), theta2=math.degrees(math.atan2(y1, x1)), fill=False, **kwargs, ) ) return None del kwargs['fill'] for phi in (phase, phase_limit): if phi is not None: if modulation is not None and modulation_limit is not None: x0 = modulation * math.cos(phi) y0 = modulation * math.sin(phi) x1 = modulation_limit * math.cos(phi) y1 = modulation_limit * math.sin(phi) else: x0 = 0 y0 = 0 x1 = math.cos(phi) y1 = math.sin(phi) ax.add_line(Line2D((x0, x1), (y0, y1), **kwargs)) for mod in (modulation, modulation_limit): if mod is not None: if phase is not None and phase_limit is not None: theta1 = math.degrees(min(phase, phase_limit)) theta2 = math.degrees(max(phase, phase_limit)) else: theta1 = 0.0 theta2 = 360.0 if self._full else 90.0 ax.add_patch( Arc( (0, 0), mod * 2, mod * 2, theta1=theta1, theta2=theta2, fill=False, # filling arc objects is not supported **kwargs, ) ) return None
[docs] def polar_grid(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Draw polar coordinate system. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Parameters passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.patches.Circle` and :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`. """ ax = self._ax # major gridlines kwargs_copy = kwargs.copy() update_kwargs( kwargs, color=GRID_COLOR, linestyle=GRID_LINESTYLE_MAJOR, linewidth=GRID_LINEWIDH, # fill=GRID_FILL, ) ax.add_line(Line2D([-1, 1], [0, 0], **kwargs)) ax.add_line(Line2D([0, 0], [-1, 1], **kwargs)) ax.add_patch(Circle((0, 0), 1, fill=False, **kwargs)) # minor gridlines kwargs = kwargs_copy update_kwargs( kwargs, color=GRID_COLOR, linestyle=GRID_LINESTYLE, linewidth=GRID_LINEWIDH_MINOR, ) for r in (1 / 3, 2 / 3): ax.add_patch(Circle((0, 0), r, fill=False, **kwargs)) for a in (3, 6): x = math.cos(math.pi / a) y = math.sin(math.pi / a) ax.add_line(Line2D([-x, x], [-y, y], **kwargs)) ax.add_line(Line2D([-x, x], [y, -y], **kwargs))
[docs] def semicircle( self, frequency: float | None = None, *, polar_reference: tuple[float, float] | None = None, phasor_reference: tuple[float, float] | None = None, lifetime: Sequence[float] | None = None, labels: Sequence[str] | None = None, show_circle: bool = True, use_lines: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> list[Line2D]: """Draw universal semicircle. Parameters ---------- frequency : float, optional Laser pulse or modulation frequency in MHz. polar_reference : (float, float), optional, default: (0, 1) Polar coordinates of zero lifetime. phasor_reference : (float, float), optional, default: (1, 0) Phasor coordinates of zero lifetime. Alternative to `polar_reference`. lifetime : sequence of float, optional Single component lifetimes at which to draw ticks and labels. Only applies when `frequency` is specified. labels : sequence of str, optional Tick labels. By default, the values of `lifetime`. Only applies when `frequency` and `lifetime` are specified. show_circle : bool, optional, default: True Draw universal semicircle. use_lines : bool, optional, default: False Draw universal semicircle using lines instead of arc. **kwargs Additional parameters passed to :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` or :py:class:`matplotlib.patches.Arc` and :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. Returns ------- list[matplotlib.lines.Line2D] Lines representing plotted semicircle and ticks. """ if frequency is not None: self._frequency = float(frequency) update_kwargs( kwargs, color=GRID_COLOR, linestyle=GRID_LINESTYLE_MAJOR, linewidth=GRID_LINEWIDH, ) if phasor_reference is not None: polar_reference = phasor_to_polar_scalar(*phasor_reference) if polar_reference is None: polar_reference = (0.0, 1.0) if phasor_reference is None: phasor_reference = phasor_from_polar_scalar(*polar_reference) ax = self._ax lines = [] if show_circle: if use_lines: lines = [ ax.add_line( Line2D( *phasor_transform( *phasor_semicircle(), *polar_reference ), **kwargs, ) ) ] else: ax.add_patch( Arc( (phasor_reference[0] / 2, phasor_reference[1] / 2), polar_reference[1], polar_reference[1], theta1=math.degrees(polar_reference[0]), theta2=math.degrees(polar_reference[0]) + 180.0, fill=False, **kwargs, ) ) if frequency is not None and polar_reference == (0.0, 1.0): # draw ticks and labels lifetime, labels = _semicircle_ticks(frequency, lifetime, labels) self._semicircle_ticks = SemicircleTicks(labels=labels) lines.extend( ax.plot( *phasor_transform( *phasor_from_lifetime(frequency, lifetime), *polar_reference, ), path_effects=[self._semicircle_ticks], **kwargs, ) ) self._reset_limits() return lines
def _on_format_coord(self, x: float, y: float) -> str: """Callback function to update coordinates displayed in toolbar.""" phi, mod = phasor_to_polar_scalar(x, y) ret = [ f'[{x:4.2f}, {y:4.2f}]', f'[{math.degrees(phi):.0f}°, {mod * 100:.0f}%]', ] if x > 0.0 and y > 0.0 and self._frequency > 0.0: tp, tm = phasor_to_apparent_lifetime(x, y, self._frequency) ret.append(f'[{tp:.2f}, {tm:.2f} ns]') return ' '.join(reversed(ret))
[docs] class PhasorPlotFret(PhasorPlot): """FRET phasor plot. Plot Förster Resonance Energy Transfer efficiency trajectories of donor and acceptor channels in phasor space. Parameters ---------- frequency : array_like Laser pulse or modulation frequency in MHz. donor_lifetime : array_like Lifetime of donor without FRET in ns. acceptor_lifetime : array_like Lifetime of acceptor in ns. fret_efficiency : array_like, optional, default 0 FRET efficiency in range [0, 1]. donor_fretting : array_like, optional, default 1 Fraction of donors participating in FRET. Range [0, 1]. donor_bleedthrough : array_like, optional, default 0 Weight of donor fluorescence in acceptor channel relative to fluorescence of fully sensitized acceptor. A weight of 1 means the fluorescence from donor and fully sensitized acceptor are equal. The background in the donor channel does not bleed through. acceptor_bleedthrough : array_like, optional, default 0 Weight of fluorescence from directly excited acceptor relative to fluorescence of fully sensitized acceptor. A weight of 1 means the fluorescence from directly excited acceptor and fully sensitized acceptor are equal. acceptor_background : array_like, optional, default 0 Weight of background fluorescence in acceptor channel relative to fluorescence of fully sensitized acceptor. A weight of 1 means the fluorescence of background and fully sensitized acceptor are equal. donor_background : array_like, optional, default 0 Weight of background fluorescence in donor channel relative to fluorescence of donor without FRET. A weight of 1 means the fluorescence of background and donor without FRET are equal. background_real : array_like, optional, default 0 Real component of background fluorescence phasor coordinate at `frequency`. background_imag : array_like, optional, default 0 Imaginary component of background fluorescence phasor coordinate at `frequency`. ax : matplotlib axes, optional Matplotlib axes used for plotting. By default, a new subplot axes is created. Cannot be used with `interactive` mode. interactive : bool, optional, default: False Use matplotlib slider widgets to interactively control parameters. **kwargs Additional parameters passed to :py:class:`phasorpy.plot.PhasorPlot`. See Also -------- phasorpy.phasor.phasor_from_fret_donor phasorpy.phasor.phasor_from_fret_acceptor :ref:`` """ _fret_efficiencies: NDArray[Any] _frequency_slider: Slider _donor_lifetime_slider: Slider _acceptor_lifetime_slider: Slider _fret_efficiency_slider: Slider _donor_fretting_slider: Slider _donor_bleedthrough_slider: Slider _acceptor_bleedthrough_slider: Slider _acceptor_background_slider: Slider _donor_background_slider: Slider _background_real_slider: Slider _background_imag_slider: Slider _donor_line: Line2D _donor_only_line: Line2D _donor_fret_line: Line2D _donor_trajectory_line: Line2D _donor_semicircle_line: Line2D _donor_donor_line: Line2D _donor_background_line: Line2D _acceptor_line: Line2D _acceptor_only_line: Line2D _acceptor_trajectory_line: Line2D _acceptor_semicircle_line: Line2D _acceptor_background_line: Line2D _background_line: Line2D _donor_semicircle_ticks: SemicircleTicks | None def __init__( self, *, frequency: float = 60.0, donor_lifetime: float = 4.2, acceptor_lifetime: float = 3.0, fret_efficiency: float = 0.5, donor_fretting: float = 1.0, donor_bleedthrough: float = 0.0, acceptor_bleedthrough: float = 0.0, acceptor_background: float = 0.0, donor_background: float = 0.0, background_real: float = 0.0, background_imag: float = 0.0, ax: Axes | None = None, interactive: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: update_kwargs( kwargs, title='FRET phasor plot', xlim=[-0.2, 1.1], ylim=[-0.1, 0.8], ) kwargs['allquadrants'] = False kwargs['grid'] = False if ax is not None: interactive = False else: fig = pyplot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot() if interactive: w, h = fig.get_size_inches() fig.set_size_inches(w, h * 1.66) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.45) fcm = fig.canvas.manager if fcm is not None: fcm.set_window_title(kwargs['title']) super().__init__(ax=ax, **kwargs) self._fret_efficiencies = numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 101) donor_real, donor_imag = phasor_from_lifetime( frequency, donor_lifetime ) donor_fret_real, donor_fret_imag = phasor_from_lifetime( frequency, donor_lifetime * (1.0 - fret_efficiency) ) acceptor_real, acceptor_imag = phasor_from_lifetime( frequency, acceptor_lifetime ) donor_trajectory_real, donor_trajectory_imag = phasor_from_fret_donor( frequency, donor_lifetime, fret_efficiency=self._fret_efficiencies, donor_fretting=donor_fretting, donor_background=donor_background, background_real=background_real, background_imag=background_imag, ) ( acceptor_trajectory_real, acceptor_trajectory_imag, ) = phasor_from_fret_acceptor( frequency, donor_lifetime, acceptor_lifetime, fret_efficiency=self._fret_efficiencies, donor_fretting=donor_fretting, donor_bleedthrough=donor_bleedthrough, acceptor_bleedthrough=acceptor_bleedthrough, acceptor_background=acceptor_background, background_real=background_real, background_imag=background_imag, ) # add plots lines = self.semicircle(frequency=frequency) self._donor_semicircle_line = lines[0] self._donor_semicircle_ticks = self._semicircle_ticks lines = self.semicircle( phasor_reference=(float(acceptor_real), float(acceptor_imag)), use_lines=True, ) self._acceptor_semicircle_line = lines[0] if donor_fretting < 1.0 and donor_background == 0.0: lines = self.line( [donor_real, donor_fret_real], [donor_imag, donor_fret_imag], ) else: lines = self.line([0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]) self._donor_donor_line = lines[0] if acceptor_background > 0.0: lines = self.line( [float(acceptor_real), float(background_real)], [float(acceptor_imag), float(background_imag)], ) else: lines = self.line([0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]) self._acceptor_background_line = lines[0] if donor_background > 0.0: lines = self.line( [float(donor_real), float(background_real)], [float(donor_imag), float(background_imag)], ) else: lines = self.line([0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]) self._donor_background_line = lines[0] lines = self.plot( donor_trajectory_real, donor_trajectory_imag, '-', color='tab:green', ) self._donor_trajectory_line = lines[0] lines = self.plot( acceptor_trajectory_real, acceptor_trajectory_imag, '-', color='tab:red', ) self._acceptor_trajectory_line = lines[0] lines = self.plot( donor_real, donor_imag, '.', color='tab:green', ) self._donor_only_line = lines[0] lines = self.plot( donor_real, donor_imag, '.', color='tab:green', ) self._donor_fret_line = lines[0] lines = self.plot( acceptor_real, acceptor_imag, '.', color='tab:red', ) self._acceptor_only_line = lines[0] lines = self.plot( donor_trajectory_real[int(fret_efficiency * 100.0)], donor_trajectory_imag[int(fret_efficiency * 100.0)], 'o', color='tab:green', label='Donor', ) self._donor_line = lines[0] lines = self.plot( acceptor_trajectory_real[int(fret_efficiency * 100.0)], acceptor_trajectory_imag[int(fret_efficiency * 100.0)], 'o', color='tab:red', label='Acceptor', ) self._acceptor_line = lines[0] lines = self.plot( background_real, background_imag, 'o', color='black', label='Background', ) self._background_line = lines[0] if not interactive: return # add sliders axes = [] for i in range(11): axes.append(fig.add_axes((0.33, 0.05 + i * 0.03, 0.45, 0.01))) self._frequency_slider = Slider( ax=axes[10], label='Frequency ', valfmt=' %.0f MHz', valmin=10, valmax=200, valstep=1, valinit=frequency, ) self._frequency_slider.on_changed(self._on_semicircle_changed) self._donor_lifetime_slider = Slider( ax=axes[9], label='Donor lifetime ', valfmt=' %.1f ns', valmin=0.1, valmax=16.0, valstep=0.1, valinit=donor_lifetime, # facecolor='tab:green', handle_style={'edgecolor': 'tab:green'}, ) self._donor_lifetime_slider.on_changed(self._on_changed) self._acceptor_lifetime_slider = Slider( ax=axes[8], label='Acceptor lifetime ', valfmt=' %.1f ns', valmin=0.1, valmax=16.0, valstep=0.1, valinit=acceptor_lifetime, # facecolor='tab:red', handle_style={'edgecolor': 'tab:red'}, ) self._acceptor_lifetime_slider.on_changed(self._on_semicircle_changed) self._fret_efficiency_slider = Slider( ax=axes[7], label='FRET efficiency ', valfmt=' %.2f', valmin=0.0, valmax=1.0, valstep=0.01, valinit=fret_efficiency, ) self._fret_efficiency_slider.on_changed(self._on_changed) self._donor_fretting_slider = Slider( ax=axes[6], label='Donors fretting ', valfmt=' %.2f', valmin=0.0, valmax=1.0, valstep=0.01, valinit=donor_fretting, # facecolor='tab:green', handle_style={'edgecolor': 'tab:green'}, ) self._donor_fretting_slider.on_changed(self._on_changed) self._donor_bleedthrough_slider = Slider( ax=axes[5], label='Donor bleedthrough ', valfmt=' %.2f', valmin=0.0, valmax=5.0, valstep=0.01, valinit=donor_bleedthrough, # facecolor='tab:red', handle_style={'edgecolor': 'tab:red'}, ) self._donor_bleedthrough_slider.on_changed(self._on_changed) self._acceptor_bleedthrough_slider = Slider( ax=axes[4], label='Acceptor bleedthrough ', valfmt=' %.2f', valmin=0.0, valmax=5.0, valstep=0.01, valinit=acceptor_bleedthrough, # facecolor='tab:red', handle_style={'edgecolor': 'tab:red'}, ) self._acceptor_bleedthrough_slider.on_changed(self._on_changed) self._acceptor_background_slider = Slider( ax=axes[3], label='Acceptor background ', valfmt=' %.2f', valmin=0.0, valmax=5.0, valstep=0.01, valinit=acceptor_background, # facecolor='tab:red', handle_style={'edgecolor': 'tab:red'}, ) self._acceptor_background_slider.on_changed(self._on_changed) self._donor_background_slider = Slider( ax=axes[2], label='Donor background ', valfmt=' %.2f', valmin=0.0, valmax=5.0, valstep=0.01, valinit=donor_background, # facecolor='tab:green', handle_style={'edgecolor': 'tab:green'}, ) self._donor_background_slider.on_changed(self._on_changed) self._background_real_slider = Slider( ax=axes[1], label='Background real ', valfmt=' %.2f', valmin=0.0, valmax=1.0, valstep=0.01, valinit=background_real, ) self._background_real_slider.on_changed(self._on_changed) self._background_imag_slider = Slider( ax=axes[0], label='Background imag ', valfmt=' %.2f', valmin=0.0, valmax=0.6, valstep=0.01, valinit=background_imag, ) self._background_imag_slider.on_changed(self._on_changed) def _on_semicircle_changed(self, value: Any) -> None: """Callback function to update semicircles.""" self._frequency = frequency = self._frequency_slider.val acceptor_lifetime = self._acceptor_lifetime_slider.val if self._donor_semicircle_ticks is not None: lifetime, labels = _semicircle_ticks(frequency) self._donor_semicircle_ticks.labels = labels self._donor_semicircle_line.set_data( *phasor_transform(*phasor_from_lifetime(frequency, lifetime)) ) self._acceptor_semicircle_line.set_data( *phasor_transform( *phasor_semicircle(), *phasor_to_polar( *phasor_from_lifetime(frequency, acceptor_lifetime) ), ) ) self._on_changed(value) def _on_changed(self, value: Any) -> None: """Callback function to update plot with current slider values.""" frequency = self._frequency_slider.val donor_lifetime = self._donor_lifetime_slider.val acceptor_lifetime = self._acceptor_lifetime_slider.val fret_efficiency = self._fret_efficiency_slider.val donor_fretting = self._donor_fretting_slider.val donor_bleedthrough = self._donor_bleedthrough_slider.val acceptor_bleedthrough = self._acceptor_bleedthrough_slider.val acceptor_background = self._acceptor_background_slider.val donor_background = self._donor_background_slider.val background_real = self._background_real_slider.val background_imag = self._background_imag_slider.val e = int(self._fret_efficiency_slider.val * 100) donor_real, donor_imag = phasor_from_lifetime( frequency, donor_lifetime ) donor_fret_real, donor_fret_imag = phasor_from_lifetime( frequency, donor_lifetime * (1.0 - fret_efficiency) ) acceptor_real, acceptor_imag = phasor_from_lifetime( frequency, acceptor_lifetime ) donor_trajectory_real, donor_trajectory_imag = phasor_from_fret_donor( frequency, donor_lifetime, fret_efficiency=self._fret_efficiencies, donor_fretting=donor_fretting, donor_background=donor_background, background_real=background_real, background_imag=background_imag, ) ( acceptor_trajectory_real, acceptor_trajectory_imag, ) = phasor_from_fret_acceptor( frequency, donor_lifetime, acceptor_lifetime, fret_efficiency=self._fret_efficiencies, donor_fretting=donor_fretting, donor_bleedthrough=donor_bleedthrough, acceptor_bleedthrough=acceptor_bleedthrough, acceptor_background=acceptor_background, background_real=background_real, background_imag=background_imag, ) if donor_background > 0.0: self._donor_background_line.set_data( [float(donor_real), float(background_real)], [float(donor_imag), float(background_imag)], ) else: self._donor_background_line.set_data([0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]) if donor_fretting < 1.0 and donor_background == 0.0: self._donor_donor_line.set_data( [donor_real, donor_fret_real], [donor_imag, donor_fret_imag], ) else: self._donor_donor_line.set_data([0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]) if acceptor_background > 0.0: self._acceptor_background_line.set_data( [float(acceptor_real), float(background_real)], [float(acceptor_imag), float(background_imag)], ) else: self._acceptor_background_line.set_data([0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]) self._background_line.set_data([background_real], [background_imag]) self._donor_only_line.set_data([donor_real], [donor_imag]) self._donor_fret_line.set_data([donor_fret_real], [donor_fret_imag]) self._donor_trajectory_line.set_data( donor_trajectory_real, donor_trajectory_imag ) self._donor_line.set_data( [donor_trajectory_real[e]], [donor_trajectory_imag[e]] ) self._acceptor_only_line.set_data([acceptor_real], [acceptor_imag]) self._acceptor_trajectory_line.set_data( acceptor_trajectory_real, acceptor_trajectory_imag ) self._acceptor_line.set_data( [acceptor_trajectory_real[e]], [acceptor_trajectory_imag[e]] )
class SemicircleTicks(AbstractPathEffect): """Draw ticks on universal semicircle. Parameters ---------- size : float, optional Length of tick in dots. The default is ``rcParams['xtick.major.size']``. labels : sequence of str, optional Tick labels for each vertex in path. **kwargs Extra keywords passed to matplotlib's :py:meth:`matplotlib.patheffects.AbstractPathEffect._update_gc`. """ _size: float # tick length _labels: tuple[str, ...] # tick labels _gc: dict[str, Any] # keywords passed to _update_gc def __init__( self, size: float | None = None, labels: Sequence[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__((0.0, 0.0)) if size is None: self._size = pyplot.rcParams['xtick.major.size'] else: self._size = size if labels is None or not labels: self._labels = () else: self._labels = tuple(labels) self._gc = kwargs @property def labels(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """Tick labels.""" return self._labels @labels.setter def labels(self, value: Sequence[str] | None, /) -> None: if value is None or not value: self._labels = () else: self._labels = tuple(value) def draw_path( self, renderer: Any, gc: Any, tpath: Any, affine: Any, rgbFace: Any = None, ) -> None: """Draw path with updated gc.""" gc0 = renderer.new_gc() gc0.copy_properties(gc) # TODO: this uses private methods of the base class gc0 = self._update_gc(gc0, self._gc) # type: ignore[attr-defined] trans = affine trans += self._offset_transform(renderer) # type: ignore[attr-defined] font = FontProperties() # approximate half size of 'x' fontsize = renderer.points_to_pixels(font.get_size_in_points()) / 4 size = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._size) origin = affine.transform([[0.5, 0.0]]) transpath = affine.transform_path(tpath) polys = transpath.to_polygons(closed_only=False) for p in polys: # coordinates of tick ends t = p - origin t /= numpy.hypot(t[:, 0], t[:, 1])[:, numpy.newaxis] d = t.copy() t *= size t += p xyt = numpy.empty((2 * p.shape[0], 2)) xyt[0::2] = p xyt[1::2] = t renderer.draw_path( gc0, Path(xyt, numpy.tile([Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO], p.shape[0])), affine.inverted() + trans, rgbFace, ) if not self._labels: continue # coordinates of labels t = d * size * 2.5 t += p if renderer.flipy(): h = renderer.get_canvas_width_height()[1] else: h = 0.0 for s, (x, y), (dx, _) in zip(self._labels, t, d): # TODO: get rendered text size from matplotlib.text.Text? # this did not work: # Text(d[i,0], h - d[i,1], label, ha='center', va='center') x = x + fontsize * len(s.split()[0]) * (dx - 1.0) y = h - y + fontsize renderer.draw_text(gc0, x, y, s, font, 0.0) gc0.restore()
[docs] def plot_phasor( real: ArrayLike, imag: ArrayLike, /, *, style: Literal['plot', 'hist2d', 'contour'] | None = None, allquadrants: bool | None = None, frequency: float | None = None, show: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot phasor coordinates. A simplified interface to the :py:class:`PhasorPlot` class. Parameters ---------- real : array_like Real component of phasor coordinates. imag : array_like Imaginary component of phasor coordinates. Must be of same shape as `real`. style : {'plot', 'hist2d', 'contour'}, optional Method used to plot phasor coordinates. By default, if the number of coordinates are less than 65536 and the arrays are less than three-dimensional, `'plot'` style is used, else `'hist2d'`. allquadrants : bool, optional Show all quadrants of phasor space. By default, only the first quadrant is shown. frequency : float, optional Frequency of phasor plot. If provided, the universal semicircle is labeled with reference lifetimes. show : bool, optional, default: True Display figure. **kwargs Additional parguments passed to :py:class:`PhasorPlot`, :py:meth:`PhasorPlot.plot`, :py:meth:`PhasorPlot.hist2d`, or :py:meth:`PhasorPlot.contour` depending on `style`. See Also -------- phasorpy.plot.PhasorPlot :ref:`` """ init_kwargs = parse_kwargs( kwargs, 'ax', 'title', 'xlabel', 'ylabel', 'xlim', 'ylim', 'xticks', 'yticks', 'grid', ) real = numpy.asanyarray(real) imag = numpy.asanyarray(imag) plot = PhasorPlot( frequency=frequency, allquadrants=allquadrants, **init_kwargs ) if style is None: style = 'plot' if real.size < 65536 and real.ndim < 3 else 'hist2d' if style == 'plot': plot.plot(real, imag, **kwargs) elif style == 'hist2d': plot.hist2d(real, imag, **kwargs) elif style == 'contour': plot.contour(real, imag, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f'invalid {style=}') if show:
[docs] def plot_phasor_image( mean: ArrayLike | None, real: ArrayLike, imag: ArrayLike, *, harmonics: int | None = None, percentile: float | None = None, title: str | None = None, show: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot phasor coordinates as images. Preview phasor coordinates from time-resolved or hyperspectral image stacks as returned by :py:func:`phasorpy.phasor.phasor_from_signal`. The last two axes are assumed to be the image axes. Harmonics, if any, are in the first axes of `real` and `imag`. Other axes are averaged for display. Parameters ---------- mean : array_like Image average. Must be two or more dimensional, or None. real : array_like Image of real component of phasor coordinates. The last dimensions must match shape of `mean`. imag : array_like Image of imaginary component of phasor coordinates. Must be same shape as `real`. harmonics : int, optional Number of harmonics to display. If `mean` is None, a nonzero value indicates the presence of harmonics in the first axes of `mean` and `real`. Else, the presence of harmonics is determined from the shapes of `mean` and `real`. By default, up to 4 harmonics are displayed. percentile : float, optional The (q, 100-q) percentiles of image data are covered by colormaps. By default, the complete value range of `mean` is covered, for `real` and `imag` the range [-1, 1]. title : str, optional Figure title. show : bool, optional, default: True Display figure. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Raises ------ ValueError The shapes of `mean`, `real`, and `image` do not match. Percentile is out of range. """ update_kwargs(kwargs, interpolation='nearest') cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', None) shape = None if mean is not None: mean = numpy.asarray(mean) if mean.ndim < 2: raise ValueError(f'not an image {mean.ndim=} < 2') shape = mean.shape mean = mean.reshape(-1, *mean.shape[-2:]) if mean.shape[0] == 1: mean = mean[0] else: mean = numpy.nanmean(mean, axis=0) real = numpy.asarray(real) imag = numpy.asarray(imag) if real.shape != imag.shape: raise ValueError(f'{real.shape=} != {imag.shape=}') if real.ndim < 2: raise ValueError(f'not an image {real.ndim=} < 2') if (shape is not None and real.shape[1:] == shape) or ( shape is None and harmonics ): # first image dimension contains harmonics if real.ndim < 3: raise ValueError(f'not a multi-harmonic image {real.shape=}') nh = real.shape[0] # number harmonics elif shape is None or shape == real.shape: # single harmonic nh = 1 else: raise ValueError(f'shape mismatch {real.shape[1:]=} != {shape}') real = real.reshape(nh, -1, *real.shape[-2:]) imag = imag.reshape(nh, -1, *imag.shape[-2:]) if real.shape[1] == 1: real = real[:, 0] imag = imag[:, 0] else: real = numpy.nanmean(real, axis=1) imag = numpy.nanmean(imag, axis=1) # for MyPy assert isinstance(mean, numpy.ndarray) or mean is None assert isinstance(real, numpy.ndarray) assert isinstance(imag, numpy.ndarray) # limit number of displayed harmonics nh = min(4 if harmonics is None else harmonics, nh) # create figure with size depending on image aspect and number of harmonics fig = pyplot.figure(layout='constrained') w, h = fig.get_size_inches() aspect = min(1.0, max(0.5, real.shape[-2] / real.shape[-1])) fig.set_size_inches(w, h * 0.4 * aspect * nh + h * 0.25 * aspect) gs = GridSpec(nh, 2 if mean is None else 3, figure=fig) if title: fig.suptitle(title) if mean is not None: _imshow( fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]), mean, percentile=percentile, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=cmap, axis=True, title='mean', **kwargs, ) if percentile is None: vmin = -1.0 vmax = 1.0 if cmap is None: cmap = 'coolwarm_r' else: vmin = None vmax = None for h in range(nh): axs = [] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[h, -2]) axs.append(ax) _imshow( ax, real[h], percentile=percentile, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, axis=mean is None and h == 0, colorbar=percentile is not None, title=None if h else 'G, real', **kwargs, ) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[h, -1]) axs.append(ax) pos = _imshow( ax, imag[h], percentile=percentile, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, axis=False, colorbar=percentile is not None, title=None if h else 'S, imag', **kwargs, ) if percentile is None and h == 0: fig.colorbar(pos, ax=axs, shrink=0.4, location='bottom') if show:
[docs] def plot_signal_image( signal: ArrayLike, /, *, axis: int | str | None = None, percentile: float | Sequence[float] | None = None, title: str | None = None, xlabel: str | None = None, show: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot average image and signal along axis. Preview time-resolved or hyperspectral image stacks to be anayzed with :py:func:`phasorpy.phasor.phasor_from_signal`. The last two axes, excluding `axis`, are assumed to be the image axes. Other axes are averaged for image display. Parameters ---------- signal : array_like Image stack. Must be three or more dimensional. axis : int or str, optional Axis over which phasor coordinates would be computed. By default, the 'H' or 'C' axes if signal contains such dimension names, else the last axis (-1). percentile : float or [float, float], optional The [q, 100-q] percentiles of image data are covered by colormaps. By default, the complete value range of `mean` is covered, for `real` and `imag` the range [-1, 1]. title : str, optional Figure title. xlabel : str, optional Label of axis over which phasor coordinates would be computed. show : bool, optional, default: True Display figure. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Raises ------ ValueError Signal is not an image stack. Percentile is out of range. """ # TODO: add option to separate channels? # TODO: add option to plot non-images? axis, axis_label = parse_signal_axis(signal, axis) if ( axis_label and hasattr(signal, 'coords') and axis_label in signal.coords ): axis_coords = signal.coords[axis_label] else: axis_coords = None update_kwargs(kwargs, interpolation='nearest') signal = numpy.asarray(signal) if signal.ndim < 3: raise ValueError(f'not an image stack {signal.ndim=} < 3') axis %= signal.ndim # for MyPy assert isinstance(signal, numpy.ndarray) fig = pyplot.figure(layout='constrained') if title: fig.suptitle(title) w, h = fig.get_size_inches() fig.set_size_inches(w, h * 0.7) gs = GridSpec(1, 2, figure=fig, width_ratios=(1, 1)) # histogram axes = list(range(signal.ndim)) del axes[axis] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) if axis_coords is not None: ax.set_title(f'{axis=} {axis_label!r}') ax.plot(axis_coords, numpy.nanmean(signal, axis=tuple(axes))) else: ax.set_title(f'{axis=}') ax.plot(numpy.nanmean(signal, axis=tuple(axes))) ax.set_ylim(kwargs.get('vmin', None), kwargs.get('vmax', None)) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) # image axes = list(sorted(axes[:-2] + [axis])) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) _imshow( ax, numpy.nanmean(signal, axis=tuple(axes)), percentile=percentile, shrink=0.5, title='mean', **kwargs, ) if show:
[docs] def plot_image( *images: ArrayLike, percentile: float | None = None, columns: int | None = None, title: str | None = None, labels: Sequence[str | None] | None = None, show: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot images. Parameters ---------- *images : array_like Images to be plotted. Must be two or more dimensional. The last two axes are assumed to be the image axes. Other axes are averaged for display. Three-dimensional images with last axis size of three or four are plotted as RGB(A) images. percentile : float, optional The (q, 100-q) percentiles of image data are covered by colormaps. By default, the complete value range is covered. Does not apply to RGB images. columns : int, optional Number of columns in figure. By default, up to four columns are used. title : str, optional Figure title. labels : sequence of str, optional Labels for each image. show : bool, optional, default: True Display figure. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Raises ------ ValueError Percentile is out of range. """ update_kwargs( kwargs, interpolation='nearest', location='right', shrink=0.5 ) cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', None) figsize = kwargs.pop('figsize', None) subplot_kw = kwargs.pop('subplot_kw', {}) location = kwargs['location'] allrgb = True arrays = [] shape = [1, 1] for image in images: image = numpy.asarray(image) if image.ndim < 2: raise ValueError(f'not an image {image.ndim=} < 2') if image.ndim == 3 and image.shape[2] in {3, 4}: # RGB(A) pass else: allrgb = False image = image.reshape(-1, *image.shape[-2:]) if image.shape[0] == 1: image = image[0] else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) image = numpy.nanmean(image, axis=0) assert isinstance(image, numpy.ndarray) for i in (-1, -2): if image.shape[i] > shape[i]: shape[i] = image.shape[i] arrays.append(image) if columns is None: n = len(arrays) if n < 3: columns = n elif n < 5: columns = 2 elif n < 7: columns = 3 else: columns = 4 rows = int(numpy.ceil(len(arrays) / columns)) vmin = None vmax = None if percentile is None: vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', None) vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', None) if vmin is None: vmin = numpy.inf for image in images: vmin = min(vmin, numpy.nanmin(image)) if vmin == numpy.inf: vmin = None if vmax is None: vmax = -numpy.inf for image in images: vmax = max(vmax, numpy.nanmax(image)) if vmax == -numpy.inf: vmax = None # create figure with size depending on image aspect fig = pyplot.figure(layout='constrained', figsize=figsize) if figsize is None: # TODO: find optimal figure height as a function of # number of rows and columns, image shapes, labels, and colorbar # presence and placements. if allrgb: hadd = 0.0 elif location == 'right': hadd = 0.5 else: hadd = 1.2 if labels is not None: hadd += 0.3 * rows w, h = fig.get_size_inches() aspect = min(1.0, max(0.5, shape[0] / shape[1])) fig.set_size_inches( w, h * 0.9 / columns * aspect * rows + h * 0.1 * aspect + hadd ) gs = GridSpec(rows, columns, figure=fig) if title: fig.suptitle(title) axs = [] for i, image in enumerate(arrays): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i // columns, i % columns], **subplot_kw) ax.set_anchor('C') axs.append(ax) pos = _imshow( ax, image, percentile=percentile, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, colorbar=percentile is not None, axis=i == 0 and not subplot_kw, title=None if labels is None else labels[i], **kwargs, ) if not allrgb and percentile is None: fig.colorbar(pos, ax=axs, shrink=kwargs['shrink'], location=location) if show:
[docs] def plot_polar_frequency( frequency: ArrayLike, phase: ArrayLike, modulation: ArrayLike, *, ax: Axes | None = None, title: str | None = None, show: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot phase and modulation verus frequency. Parameters ---------- frequency : array_like, shape (n, ) Laser pulse or modulation frequency in MHz. phase : array_like Angular component of polar coordinates in radians. modulation : array_like Radial component of polar coordinates. ax : matplotlib axes, optional Matplotlib axes used for plotting. By default, a new subplot axes is created. title : str, optional Figure title. The default is "Multi-frequency plot". show : bool, optional, default: True Display figure. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ # TODO: make this customizable: labels, colors, ... if ax is None: ax = pyplot.subplots()[1] if title is None: title = 'Multi-frequency plot' if title: ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xscale('log', base=10) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (MHz)') phase = numpy.asarray(phase) if phase.ndim < 2: phase = phase.reshape(-1, 1) modulation = numpy.asarray(modulation) if modulation.ndim < 2: modulation = modulation.reshape(-1, 1) ax.set_ylabel('Phase (°)', color='tab:blue') ax.set_yticks([0.0, 30.0, 60.0, 90.0]) for phi in phase.T: ax.plot(frequency, numpy.rad2deg(phi), color='tab:blue', **kwargs) ax = ax.twinx() ax.set_ylabel('Modulation (%)', color='tab:red') ax.set_yticks([0.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0]) for mod in modulation.T: ax.plot(frequency, mod * 100, color='tab:red', **kwargs) if show:
[docs] def plot_histograms( *data: ArrayLike, title: str | None = None, xlabel: str | None = None, ylabel: str | None = None, labels: Sequence[str] | None = None, show: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Plot histograms of flattened data arrays. Parameters ---------- data: array_like Data arrays to be plotted as histograms. title : str, optional Figure title. xlabel : str, optional Label for x-axis. ylabel : str, optional Label for y-axis. labels: sequence of str, optional Labels for each data array. show : bool, optional, default: True Display figure. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.hist`. """ ax = pyplot.subplots()[1] if kwargs.get('alpha') is None: ax.hist( [numpy.asarray(d).flatten() for d in data], label=labels, **kwargs ) else: for d, label in zip( data, [None] * len(data) if labels is None else labels ): ax.hist(numpy.asarray(d).flatten(), label=label, **kwargs) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if labels is not None: ax.legend() pyplot.tight_layout() if show:
def _imshow( ax: Axes, image: NDArray[Any], /, *, percentile: float | Sequence[float] | None = None, vmin: float | None = None, vmax: float | None = None, colorbar: bool = True, shrink: float | None = None, axis: bool = True, title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AxesImage: """Plot image array. Convenience wrapper around :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. """ update_kwargs(kwargs, interpolation='none') location = kwargs.pop('location', 'bottom') if image.ndim == 3 and image.shape[2] in {3, 4}: # RGB(A) vmin = None vmax = None percentile = None colorbar = False if percentile is not None: if isinstance(percentile, Sequence): percentile = percentile[0], percentile[1] else: # percentile = max(0.0, min(50, percentile)) percentile = percentile, 100.0 - percentile if ( percentile[0] >= percentile[1] or percentile[0] < 0 or percentile[1] > 100 ): raise ValueError(f'{percentile=} out of range') vmin, vmax = numpy.nanpercentile(image, percentile) pos = ax.imshow(image, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) if colorbar: if percentile is not None and vmin is not None and vmax is not None: ticks = vmin, vmax else: ticks = None fig = ax.get_figure() if fig is not None: if shrink is None: shrink = 0.8 fig.colorbar(pos, shrink=shrink, location=location, ticks=ticks) if title: ax.set_title(title) if not axis: ax.set_axis_off() # ax.set_anchor('C') return pos def _semicircle_ticks( frequency: float, lifetime: Sequence[float] | None = None, labels: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> tuple[tuple[float, ...], tuple[str, ...]]: """Return semicircle tick lifetimes and labels at frequency.""" if lifetime is None: lifetime = [0.0] + [ 2**t for t in range(-8, 32) if phasor_from_lifetime(frequency, 2**t)[1] >= 0.18 ] unit = 'ns' else: unit = '' if labels is None: labels = [f'{tau:g}' for tau in lifetime] try: labels[2] = f'{labels[2]} {unit}' except IndexError: pass return tuple(lifetime), tuple(labels)