"""Select regions of interest (cursors) from phasor coordinates.
The ``phasorpy.cursors`` module provides functions to:
- create masks for regions of interests in the phasor space:
- :py:func:`mask_from_circular_cursor`
- :py:func:`mask_from_elliptic_cursor`
- :py:func:`mask_from_polar_cursor`
- create pseudo-color image from average signal and cursor masks:
- :py:func:`pseudo_color`
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = [
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from ._typing import (
import numpy
from phasorpy.color import CATEGORICAL
from ._phasorpy import (
def mask_from_circular_cursor(
real: ArrayLike,
imag: ArrayLike,
center_real: ArrayLike,
center_imag: ArrayLike,
radius: ArrayLike = 0.05,
) -> NDArray[numpy.bool_]:
"""Return masks for circular cursors of phasor coordinates.
real : array_like
Real component of phasor coordinates.
imag : array_like
Imaginary component of phasor coordinates.
center_real : array_like, shape (n,)
Real coordinates of circle centers.
center_imag : array_like, shape (n,)
Imaginary coordinates of circle centers.
radius : array_like, optional, shape (n,)
Radii of circles.
masks : ndarray
Boolean array of shape `(n, *real.shape)`.
The first dimension is omitted if `center_*` and `radius` are scalars.
Values are True if phasor coordinates are inside circular cursor,
else False.
The array shapes of `real` and `imag` do not match.
The array shapes of `center_*` or `radius` have more than
one dimension.
See Also
Create mask for a single circular cursor:
>>> mask_from_circular_cursor([0.2, 0.5], [0.4, 0.5], 0.2, 0.4, radius=0.1)
array([ True, False])
Create masks for two circular cursors with different radius:
>>> mask_from_circular_cursor(
... [0.2, 0.5], [0.4, 0.5], [0.2, 0.5], [0.4, 0.5], radius=[0.1, 0.05]
... )
array([[ True, False],
[False, True]])
real = numpy.asarray(real)
imag = numpy.asarray(imag)
center_real = numpy.asarray(center_real)
center_imag = numpy.asarray(center_imag)
radius = numpy.asarray(radius)
if real.shape != imag.shape:
raise ValueError(f'{real.shape=} != {imag.shape=}')
if center_real.ndim > 1 or center_imag.ndim > 1 or radius.ndim > 1:
raise ValueError(
f'{center_real.ndim=}, {center_imag.ndim=}, or {radius.ndim=} > 1'
moveaxis = False
if real.ndim > 0 and (
center_real.ndim > 0 or center_imag.ndim > 0 or radius.ndim > 0
moveaxis = True
real = numpy.expand_dims(real, axis=-1)
imag = numpy.expand_dims(imag, axis=-1)
mask = _is_inside_circle(real, imag, center_real, center_imag, radius)
if moveaxis:
mask = numpy.moveaxis(mask, -1, 0)
return mask.astype(numpy.bool_) # type: ignore[no-any-return]
def mask_from_elliptic_cursor(
real: ArrayLike,
imag: ArrayLike,
center_real: ArrayLike,
center_imag: ArrayLike,
radius: ArrayLike = 0.05,
radius_minor: ArrayLike | None = None,
angle: ArrayLike | None = None,
align_semicircle: bool = False,
) -> NDArray[numpy.bool_]:
"""Return masks for elliptic cursors of phasor coordinates.
real : array_like
Real component of phasor coordinates.
imag : array_like
Imaginary component of phasor coordinates.
center_real : array_like, shape (n,)
Real coordinates of ellipses centers.
center_imag : array_like, shape (n,)
Imaginary coordinates of ellipses centers.
radius : array_like, optional, shape (n,)
Radii of ellipses along semi-major axis.
radius_minor : array_like, optional, shape (n,)
Radii of ellipses along semi-minor axis.
By default, the ellipses are circular.
angle : array_like, optional, shape (n,)
Rotation angles of semi-major axes of ellipses in radians.
By default, the ellipses are automatically oriented depending on
align_semicircle : bool, optional
Determines orientation of ellipses if `angle` is not provided.
If true, align the minor axes of the ellipses with the closest tangent
on the universal semicircle, else the unit circle (default).
masks : ndarray
Boolean array of shape `(n, *real.shape)`.
The first dimension is omitted if `center*`, `radius*`, and `angle`
are scalars.
Values are True if phasor coordinates are inside elliptic cursor,
else False.
The array shapes of `real` and `imag` do not match.
The array shapes of `center*`, `radius*`, or `angle` have more than
one dimension.
See Also
Create mask for a single elliptic cursor:
>>> mask_from_elliptic_cursor([0.2, 0.5], [0.4, 0.5], 0.2, 0.4, radius=0.1)
array([ True, False])
Create masks for two elliptic cursors with different radii:
>>> mask_from_elliptic_cursor(
... [0.2, 0.5],
... [0.4, 0.5],
... [0.2, 0.5],
... [0.4, 0.5],
... radius=[0.1, 0.05],
... radius_minor=[0.15, 0.1],
... angle=[math.pi, math.pi / 2],
... )
array([[ True, False],
[False, True]])
real = numpy.asarray(real)
imag = numpy.asarray(imag)
center_real = numpy.asarray(center_real)
center_imag = numpy.asarray(center_imag)
radius_a = numpy.asarray(radius)
if radius_minor is None:
radius_b = radius_a # circular by default
angle = 0.0
radius_b = numpy.asarray(radius_minor)
if angle is None:
# TODO: vectorize align_semicircle?
if align_semicircle:
angle = numpy.arctan2(center_imag, center_real - 0.5)
angle = numpy.arctan2(center_imag, center_real)
angle_sin = numpy.sin(angle)
angle_cos = numpy.cos(angle)
if real.shape != imag.shape:
raise ValueError(f'{real.shape=} != {imag.shape=}')
if (
center_real.ndim > 1
or center_imag.ndim > 1
or radius_a.ndim > 1
or radius_b.ndim > 1
or angle_sin.ndim > 1
raise ValueError(
f'{center_real.ndim=}, {center_imag.ndim=}, '
f'radius.ndim={radius_a.ndim}, '
f'radius_minor.ndim={radius_b.ndim}, or '
f'angle.ndim={angle_sin.ndim}, > 1'
moveaxis = False
if real.ndim > 0 and (
center_real.ndim > 0
or center_imag.ndim > 0
or radius_a.ndim > 0
or radius_b.ndim > 0
or angle_sin.ndim > 0
moveaxis = True
real = numpy.expand_dims(real, axis=-1)
imag = numpy.expand_dims(imag, axis=-1)
mask = _is_inside_ellipse_(
if moveaxis:
mask = numpy.moveaxis(mask, -1, 0)
return mask.astype(numpy.bool_) # type: ignore[no-any-return]
def mask_from_polar_cursor(
real: ArrayLike,
imag: ArrayLike,
phase_min: ArrayLike,
phase_max: ArrayLike,
modulation_min: ArrayLike,
modulation_max: ArrayLike,
) -> NDArray[numpy.bool_]:
"""Return mask for polar cursor of polar coordinates.
real : array_like
Real component of phasor coordinates.
imag : array_like
Imaginary component of phasor coordinates.
phase_min : array_like, shape (n,)
Lower bound of angular range of cursors in radians.
Values should be in range [-pi, pi].
phase_max : array_like, shape (n,)
Upper bound of angular range of cursors in radians.
Values should be in range [-pi, pi].
modulation_min : array_like, shape (n,)
Lower bound of radial range of cursors.
modulation_max : array_like, shape (n,)
Upper bound of radial range of cursors.
masks : ndarray
Boolean array of shape `(n, *real.shape)`.
The first dimension is omitted if `phase_*` and `modulation_*`
are scalars.
Values are True if phasor coordinates are inside polar range cursor,
else False.
The array shapes of `phase` and `modulation`, or `phase_range` and
`modulation_range` do not match.
The array shapes of `phase_*` or `modulation_*` have more than
one dimension.
See Also
Create mask from a single polar cursor:
>>> mask_from_polar_cursor([0.2, 0.5], [0.4, 0.5], 1.1, 1.2, 0.4, 0.5)
array([ True, False])
Create masks for two polar cursors with different ranges:
>>> mask_from_polar_cursor(
... [0.2, 0.5],
... [0.4, 0.5],
... [1.1, 0.7],
... [1.2, 0.8],
... [0.4, 0.7],
... [0.5, 0.8],
... )
array([[ True, False],
[False, True]])
real = numpy.asarray(real)
imag = numpy.asarray(imag)
phase_min = numpy.asarray(phase_min)
phase_max = numpy.asarray(phase_max)
modulation_min = numpy.asarray(modulation_min)
modulation_max = numpy.asarray(modulation_max)
if real.shape != imag.shape:
raise ValueError(f'{real.shape=} != {imag.shape=}')
if (
phase_min.ndim > 1
or phase_max.ndim > 1
or modulation_min.ndim > 1
or modulation_max.ndim > 1
raise ValueError(
f'{phase_min.ndim=}, {phase_max.ndim=}, '
f'{modulation_min.ndim=}, or {modulation_max.ndim=} > 1'
# TODO: check if angles are in range [-pi and pi]
moveaxis = False
if real.ndim > 0 and (
phase_min.ndim > 0
or phase_max.ndim > 0
or modulation_min.ndim > 0
or modulation_max.ndim > 0
moveaxis = True
real = numpy.expand_dims(real, axis=-1)
imag = numpy.expand_dims(imag, axis=-1)
mask = _is_inside_polar_rectangle(
real, imag, phase_min, phase_max, modulation_min, modulation_max
if moveaxis:
mask = numpy.moveaxis(mask, -1, 0)
return mask.astype(numpy.bool_) # type: ignore[no-any-return]
def pseudo_color(
*masks: ArrayLike,
intensity: ArrayLike | None = None,
colors: ArrayLike | None = None,
vmin: float | None = 0.0,
vmax: float | None = None,
) -> NDArray[numpy.float32]:
"""Return pseudo-colored image from cursor masks.
*masks : array_like
Boolean mask for each cursor.
intensity : array_like, optional
Intensity used as base layer to blend cursor colors in "overlay" mode.
If None, cursor masks are blended using "screen" mode.
vmin : float, optional
Minimum value to normalize `intensity`.
If None, the minimum value of `intensity` is used.
vmax : float, optional
Maximum value to normalize `intensity`.
If None, the maximum value of `intensity` is used.
colors : array_like, optional, shape (N, 3)
RGB colors assigned to each cursor.
The last dimension contains the normalized RGB floating point values.
The default is :py:data:`phasorpy.color.CATEGORICAL`.
Pseudo-colored image of shape ``(*masks[0].shape, 3)``.
`colors` is not a (n, 3) shaped floating point array.
The shapes of `masks` or `mean` cannot broadcast.
See Also
Create pseudo-color image from single mask:
>>> pseudo_color([True, False, True]) # doctest: +NUMBER
array([[0.8254, 0.09524, 0.127],
[0, 0, 0],
[0.8254, 0.09524, 0.127]]...)
Create pseudo-color image from two masks and intensity image:
>>> pseudo_color(
... [True, False], [False, True], intensity=[0.4, 0.6], vmax=1.0
... ) # doctest: +NUMBER
array([[0.6603, 0.07619, 0.1016],
[0.2762, 0.5302, 1]]...)
if len(masks) == 0:
raise TypeError(
"pseudo_color() missing 1 required positional argument: 'masks'"
if colors is None:
colors = numpy.asarray(colors)
if colors.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(f'{colors.ndim=} != 2')
if colors.shape[-1] != 3:
raise ValueError(f'{colors.shape[-1]=} != 3')
if colors.dtype.kind != 'f':
raise ValueError('colors is not a floating point array')
# TODO: add support for matplotlib colors
shape = numpy.asarray(masks[0]).shape
if intensity is not None:
# normalize intensity to range [0, 1]
intensity = numpy.array(
intensity, dtype=numpy.float32, ndmin=1, copy=True
if intensity.size > 1:
if vmin is None:
vmin = numpy.nanmin(intensity)
if vmax is None:
vmax = numpy.nanmax(intensity)
if vmin != 0.0:
intensity -= vmin
scale = vmax - vmin
if scale != 0.0 and scale != 1.0:
intensity /= scale
numpy.clip(intensity, 0.0, 1.0, out=intensity)
if intensity.shape == shape:
intensity = intensity[..., numpy.newaxis]
pseudocolor = numpy.full((*shape, 3), intensity, dtype=numpy.float32)
pseudocolor = numpy.zeros((*shape, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
# TODO: support intensity or RGB input in addition to masks
blend = numpy.empty_like(pseudocolor)
for i, mask_ in enumerate(masks):
mask = numpy.asarray(mask_)
if mask.shape != shape:
raise ValueError(f'masks[{i}].shape={mask.shape} != {shape}')
blend[mask] = colors[i]
if intensity is None:
# TODO: replace by _blend_screen?
_blend_normal(pseudocolor, blend, out=pseudocolor)
_blend_overlay(pseudocolor, blend, out=pseudocolor)
pseudocolor.clip(0.0, 1.0, out=pseudocolor)
return pseudocolor