"""Component analysis of phasor coordinates.
The ``phasorpy.components`` module provides functions to:
- calculate fractions of two known components by projecting onto the
line between the components:
- :py:func:`two_fractions_from_phasor`
- calculate phasor coordinates of second component if only one is
known (not implemented)
- calculate fractions of three or four known components by using higher
harmonic information (not implemented)
- calculate fractions of two or three known components by resolving
graphically with histogram:
- :py:func:`graphical_component_analysis`
- blindly resolve fractions of `n` components by using harmonic
information (not implemented)
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = [
import numbers
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from ._typing import Any, ArrayLike, NDArray
import numpy
from ._phasorpy import (
def two_fractions_from_phasor(
real: ArrayLike,
imag: ArrayLike,
components_real: ArrayLike,
components_imag: ArrayLike,
) -> NDArray[Any]:
"""Return fraction of first of two components from phasor coordinates.
Return the relative distance (normalized by the distance between the two
components) to the second component for each phasor coordinate projected
onto the line between two components.
real : array_like
Real component of phasor coordinates.
imag : array_like
Imaginary component of phasor coordinates.
components_real : array_like, shape (2,)
Real coordinates of first and second components.
components_imag : array_like, shape (2,)
Imaginary coordinates of first and second components.
fraction : ndarray
Fractions of first component.
If the real or imaginary coordinates of the known components are
not of size 2.
See Also
The fraction of the second component is ``1.0 - fraction``.
For now, calculation of fraction of components from different
channels or frequencies is not supported. Only one pair of components can
be analyzed and will be broadcast to all channels/frequencies.
>>> two_fractions_from_phasor(
... [0.6, 0.5, 0.4], [0.4, 0.3, 0.2], [0.2, 0.9], [0.4, 0.3]
... ) # doctest: +NUMBER
array([0.44, 0.56, 0.68])
components_real = numpy.asarray(components_real)
components_imag = numpy.asarray(components_imag)
if components_real.shape != (2,):
raise ValueError(f'{components_real.shape=} != (2,)')
if components_imag.shape != (2,):
raise ValueError(f'{components_imag.shape=} != (2,)')
if (
components_real[0] == components_real[1]
and components_imag[0] == components_imag[1]
raise ValueError('components must have different coordinates')
return _fraction_on_segment( # type: ignore[no-any-return]
def graphical_component_analysis(
real: ArrayLike,
imag: ArrayLike,
components_real: ArrayLike,
components_imag: ArrayLike,
radius: float = 0.05,
fractions: ArrayLike | None = None,
) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], ...]:
r"""Return fractions of two or three components from phasor coordinates.
The graphical method is based on moving circular cursors along the line
between pairs of components and quantifying the phasors for each
real : array_like
Real component of phasor coordinates.
imag : array_like
Imaginary component of phasor coordinates.
components_real : array_like, shape (2,) or (3,)
Real coordinates for two or three components.
components_imag : array_like, shape (2,) or (3,)
Imaginary coordinates for two or three components.
radius : float, optional, default: 0.05
Radius of cursor.
fractions : array_like or int, optional
Number of equidistant fractions, or 1D array of fraction values.
Fraction values must be in range [0.0, 1.0].
If an integer, ``numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, fractions)`` fraction values
are used.
If None (default), the number of fractions is determined from the
longest distance between any pair of components and the radius of
the cursor (see Notes below).
counts : tuple of ndarray
Counts along each line segment connecting components.
Ordered 0-1 (2 components) or 0-1, 0-2, 1-2 (3 components).
The array shapes of `real` and `imag`, or `components_real` and
`components_imag` do not match.
The number of components is not 2 or 3.
Fraction values are out of range [0.0, 1.0].
See Also
For now, calculation of fraction of components from different
channels or frequencies is not supported. Only one set of components can
be analyzed and will be broadcast to all channels/frequencies.
The graphical method was first introduced in [1]_.
If no `fractions` are provided, the number of fractions (:math:`N`) used
is determined from the longest distance between any pair of components
(:math:`D`) and the radius of the cursor (:math:`R`):
.. math::
N = \frac{2 \cdot D}{R} + 1
The fractions can be retrieved by:
.. code-block:: python
fractions = numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, len(counts[0]))
.. [1] Ranjit S, Datta R, Dvornikov A, and Gratton E.
`Multicomponent analysis of phasor plot in a single pixel to
calculate changes of metabolic trajectory in biological systems
*J Phys Chem A*, 123(45): 9865-9873 (2019)
Count the number of phasors between two components:
>>> graphical_component_analysis(
... [0.6, 0.3], [0.35, 0.38], [0.2, 0.9], [0.4, 0.3], fractions=6
... ) # doctest: +NUMBER
(array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]),)
Count the number of phasors between the combinations of three components:
>>> graphical_component_analysis(
... [0.4, 0.5],
... [0.2, 0.3],
... [0.0, 0.2, 0.9],
... [0.0, 0.4, 0.3],
... fractions=6,
(array([0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]),
array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
array([0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0]))
real = numpy.asarray(real)
imag = numpy.asarray(imag)
components_real = numpy.asarray(components_real)
components_imag = numpy.asarray(components_imag)
if (
real.shape != imag.shape
or components_real.shape != components_imag.shape
raise ValueError('input array shapes must match')
if components_real.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError(
'component arrays are not one-dimensional: '
f'{components_real.ndim} dimensions found'
num_components = len(components_real)
if num_components not in {2, 3}:
raise ValueError('number of components must be 2 or 3')
if fractions is None:
longest_distance = 0
for i in range(num_components):
a_real = components_real[i]
a_imag = components_imag[i]
for j in range(i + 1, num_components):
b_real = components_real[j]
b_imag = components_imag[j]
_, _, length = _segment_direction_and_length(
a_real, a_imag, b_real, b_imag
longest_distance = max(longest_distance, length)
fractions = numpy.linspace(
0.0, 1.0, int(round(longest_distance / (radius / 2) + 1))
elif isinstance(fractions, (int, numbers.Integral)):
fractions = numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, fractions)
fractions = numpy.asarray(fractions)
if fractions.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError('fractions is not a one-dimensional array')
counts = []
for i in range(num_components):
a_real = components_real[i]
a_imag = components_imag[i]
for j in range(i + 1, num_components):
b_real = components_real[j]
b_imag = components_imag[j]
ab_real = a_real - b_real
ab_imag = a_imag - b_imag
component_counts = []
for f in fractions:
if f < 0.0 or f > 1.0:
raise ValueError(f'fraction {f} out of bounds [0.0, 1.0]')
if num_components == 2:
mask = _is_inside_circle(
b_real + f * ab_real, # cursor_real
b_imag + f * ab_imag, # cursor_imag
# num_components == 3
mask = _is_inside_stadium(
b_real + f * ab_real, # cursor_real
b_imag + f * ab_imag, # cursor_imag
components_real[3 - i - j], # c_real
components_imag[3 - i - j], # c_imag
fraction_counts = numpy.sum(mask)
return tuple(counts)