PhasorPy documentation#

Welcome to the documentation of PhasorPy version

PhasorPy is an open-source Python library for the analysis of fluorescence lifetime and hyperspectral images using the Phasor approach.


The Tutorials demonstrate the use the library, from simple examples to advanced applications.

The API reference contains detailed information about all functions and classes of the library.

The Release notes list recent bug fixes, feature enhancements, documentation and maintenance changes.

The Contributing guide explains how to get support, report bugs, submit bug fixes, or improve documentation.

The Code of conduct should be honored by everyone participating in the PhasorPy community.

The Acknowledgments list individuals and organizations that contributed to the development of PhasorPy.

The PhasorPy library and documentation are released under the permissive MIT License.

The library’s source code and documentation are maintained in the PhasorPy repository on GitHub.

Releases can be downloaded and installed from the PhasorPy project on PyPI or conda-forge.

Sample data files used in tutorials and testing are available from the PhasorPy community on Zenodo.

Report issues with the code or documentation on the issue tracker on GitHub.

Questions about the usage of the PhasorPy library are answered on the issue tracker on GitHub.

Please cite doi: 10.5281/zenodo.13862587 if PhasorPy contributes to a project that leads to a publication.


Indices and tables#